Chimichurri Sauce

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This chimichurri sauce is a must have in your kitchen.  Traditionally served with meats, I use it on salads, meats, and vegetable dishes.  I first had this a couple of years ago when I was trying out a new recipe.  I love the simplicity of the flavors combined with the layers of all the elements you can taste. IMG_7567
For a hot summer, this is the perfect sauce to go with any dish.  Light, fresh and herby, it’s absolutely delicious!  And extremely easy!  A little chopping, a little mixing and you have a chimichurri sauce ready in 5 minutes!

Use it to marinate lamb, chicken or steak.  Even in as little as 30 minutes, the flavors infuse into the meat and give you a juicy and tender piece of meat.
Other recipes I’ve added Chimichurri sauce to are:
Veggie Stuffed Peppers
Lamb Tagine
Grilled Avocado and Peach Salad
Roasted Garden Salad
Rainbow Fajita Bowl
Barley Bowl

Chimichurri is so versatile and easy to incorporate in many dishes.  I hope you give this one a try too!

From my kitchen to yours, enjoy this delicious sauce!

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I'm Sapna, a foodie, blogger, wife, mom of two beautiful girls, and lover of spices.  I have a background in Nutrition and Dietetics, which I use to incorporate healthy options into all of my recipes.  I love traveling to new places, trying new food, and in turn, creating them in my kitchen to relive the magic. When I'm not in the kitchen, I love curling up with a good book, playing with my munchkins, running, hanging out with friends, and gardening.

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